What is kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)? Is it natural?
Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is an herbal substance that has been used as a natural supplement in cases of pain, fatigue, or stress.
The U.S. FDA has not yet approved it for human use, though it has been used for many years by natives of Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Borneo, and other countries where kratom grows abundantly in the wild and is also bred and cultivated in lush plantations.
Kratom is made from leaves of an evergreen tree that grows in many areas of Southeast Asia.
Kratom has been respectfully used as an indigenous medicinal plant for many years, as evidenced in lore and legend, in shared tribal memories and contemporary anecdote.
This Kratom Information Bible does not give medical advice. As with any new therapy, one must do research and when concerns arise, get answers from an expert.
Consult your family physician about how kratom might interact with other medicines and how it might possibly impact your current medical problems or health issues.
Botanically speaking, kratom is a member of the coffee family, but kratom contains no caffeine.
Kratom comes in just 3 basic types: red vein, green vein, and white vein. Each color's alkaloid profile provides special effects accordingly (red for pain, green for pain and increased energy, white for increased energy).
Kratom is available in leaf form for tea, powder form for toss and wash, salve, and gelatin capsule form.
How safe is kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)?
Safety of kratom use by humans is still being studied, but anecdotal evidence of generations of inhabitants of Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and other countries where it is grown and used suggests no harmful effects are commonly encountered.
Reports from individuals who have been using kratom for many years ring with praise and very seldom does anyone experience a bad reaction, but people are different in their metabolism, DNA, diet, exercise habits, and so forth.
As with any natural herb or medicinal plant, one must always proceed with mature attitudes and objective caution.
Mainstream pharmaceuticals, even though initially approved by the FDA and other health organizations, may sometimes later be found to be far more dangerous, even fatal, than originally thought. Many of these products are subsequently discontinued and existing units are taken off the shelves.
Then there's each person's unique health profile -- including substance abuse and addictive personality traits. An opioid addict, benzo abuser, or alcoholic, for example, may need to totally stop all alcohol consumption prior to starting a trial of kratom.
What is wonderful for one person, is put on another person's must avoid list. How your system responds to kratom is something you must monitor, and not rush into using it.
Most people seem to process kratom with no problems, aside from needing to drink more water to avoid constipation and dehydration, but this is true with many pain killing drugs like the opioids and others.
Kratom tends to be one of the safest plants in nature's bounty. If you're already in fairly good health, start with small amounts, stick to a measured dose amount that works for you (instead of continually increasing it, as patients often do on opioids), and take breaks from kratom to avoid gradually building up an immunity or tolerance to it, you can reasonably expect good things from kratom.
Healthline states:
"Kratom hasn’t been studied in-depth, so it hasn’t officially been recommended for medical use.
Clinical studies are very important for the development of new drugs. Studies help to identify consistently harmful effects and harmful interactions with other drugs. These studies also help to identify dosages that are effective yet not dangerous.
Kratom has the potential to have a strong effect on the body. Kratom contains almost as many alkaloids as opium and hallucinogenic mushrooms. Alkaloids have a strong physical effect on humans. While some of these effects can be positive, others can be causes for concern.
This is all the more reason why more studies of this drug are needed."
Who uses kratom, and for what?
A typical user of kratom is the person who has chronic pain, or frequent attacks of pain, and is looking for a more natural, effective, and affordable solution for pain management. Red vein kratom, and the stronger classifications as Elephant, Maeng Da, Horn, and Plantation, are popular choices with this type of kratom user.
Another case where kratom provides benefit is with the person who needs an energy supplement for mood boost, improved motivation, enjoyable fulfillment of tasks, and increased productivity. The green and white vein kratom is typically the favored type here.
Kratom has been said to be useful in helping heroin and opioid addicts get off these drugs with significantly fewer and less severe withdrawal symptoms. Other individuals use kratom for chronic pain relief, increased energy, and natural mood boost.Another case where kratom provides benefit is with the person who needs an energy supplement for mood boost, improved motivation, enjoyable fulfillment of tasks, and increased productivity. The green and white vein kratom is typically the favored type here.
Kratom, being a medicinal plant linked to specific medical issues, is therefore not at all suited for recreational highs. Kratom is a potential source of many benefits to patients who seek a non-narcotic, but highly effective, pain killer -- a caffeine-free energy booster -- or a non-benzodiazepine mood enhancer.
Is kratom legal?
It's best to Google the current legal status of kratom for your locality, to verify the lastest news on whether or not kratom is legal where you live.
How do you take kratom?
There are three primary methods for taking kratom.
1 - You can brew kratom leaves as a tea, treating it like any other herbal tea.
2 - You can "toss and wash" kratom by putting some in your mouth, then washing it down with water, juice, or other beverage.
3 - You can get kratom in gelatin capsules.
What are the effects of kratom, how long do they last?
Kratom's effects depend on the specific type of kratom (red vein, white vein, green vein are the basic strains) and the way a person's body processes the substance.
While there is much individual variation in what kratom does, or feels like, some general principles are red for pain with possible sedating effects or prolonged sleep, green for pain with more energy and less sedation, and white for energy, with some pain relief.
There are also varying effects per individual, depending on the person's body chemistry and what type of kratom is used.
Kratom effects include pleasant sensations, pain relief, upbeat emotions, boost to productivity, intensified friendliness, energetic or somewhat drowsy, a relaxed mood and manner, feeling balanced, and naturally in tune with a sense of overall well being.
Effects tend to begin in 15 to 30 minutes, and can continue for as much as 12 to 24 hours.
What are the common types of kratom?
All kratom is one of three vein colors: red vein, green vein, and white vein.
Red is typically the kratom vein that is used by people suffering from chronic pain and insomnia.
Green is commonly the kratom vein that is used by those who seek pain relief, and a strong sense of well being, but with more energy, and less sedation.
White is the kratom vein that individuals choose when wanting an energy boost and mood elevation.
In addition, aside from these three colors of vein, kratom can be marketed in two other colors, but the colors don't refer to a naturally occurring form of kratom, referring instead to a process applied.
Yellow is basically red kratom that has been fermented and sun-dried, resulting in a unique alkaloid profile.
Gold is generally a white kratom that has undergone fermentation and special drying processes, resulting in a unique alkaloid profile.
Chocolate is usually a red vein kratom that has been fermented, resulting in a unique alkaloid profile.
Purple is sometimes used to mean many types of reds, greens, and whites all mixed into a kratom blend, for a special alkaloid profile.
How is kratom classified by vendors?
Maeng Da means high grade for seasoned kratom users and connoisseurs.
Elephant means the kratom leaves grew to an enormous, jumbo size, providing a unique and potent alkaloid profile. Tends to make the harvested kratom more potent than regular kratom.
Horn refers to letting the kratom leaf grow to the point of developing protrusions called "horns" on the edges of the leaf. Tends to make the harvested kratom more potent than regular kratom.
Plantation means not growing wild, but cultivated on a farming operation, sometimes with careful breeding and special kratom hybrids.
Bentuangie is a specific region or jungle area where strains of kratom are growing.
Kapuas Hulu is a specific region or jungle area where strains of kratom are growing.
Kal Tim is a specific region or jungle area where strains of kratom are growing.
Blends are combinations of different kratom vein colors, origins, and types, being mixed together to have a different effects spectrum than the individual kratom specimen alone.
Enhanced means the kratom has been fortified in some way, usually by enriching it with super potent kratom tinctures or kratom resin.
What dose of kratom is recommended?
Kratom usage should begin small, and only increase when an effective dose is discovered.
Generally, the minimum amount for any noticeable effect is about 4 grams.
Small dose is considered 4 or 5 grams. Since one capsule is about half a gram, this means taking roughly 8 to 10 capsules. Or about two level teaspoons.
Medium dose is considered 6 to 10 grams. That's 12 to 20 capsules. Powdered dose would be 3 or 4 teaspoons.
Heavy dose is considered more than 10 grams. More than 20 capsules. More than 5 level teaspoons. This level of dose is considered in the realm of narcotic opioid power pain relief for moderate to severe pain.
Once a minimum amount of kratom (4 grams for one individual, or 8 grams for another person -- for example).
What should I know about using kratom?
Mixing kratom with applesauce, honey, orange juice, or other liquids can mask the bitter taste of kratom, or exaggerate it. Each person will have to experiment with mixing kratom into puddings and smoothies to determine what tastes good and goes down easy.
If the taste of raw kratom powder is too strong for you, kratom in gelatin capsules can be obtained. Capsules take a little longer to dissolve and take effect, but it's a good way to avoid tasting the kratom if you find it unpleasant.
To avoid developing a tolerance to a specific kratom alkaloid profile, it is recommended that a different vein color, type, or origin of kratom is used on a rotating schedule.
For example, Monday a red Kapuas Hulu, Tuesday a white Borneo, Wednesday a green plantation Maeng Da, Thursday a chocolate Bentuangie, Friday a yellow Thai, Saturday a 12 type blend, Sunday a 4 type blend, and so on. Or using one type for a week, then another the next week.
Avoid using for prolonged periods of time just one type of kratom, in one vein color, from one region, from a specific vendor. Vary these and you'll not be so likely to develop an immunity to a certain kratom alkaloid profile.
Effects of kratom can be "potentiated" or activated more quickly by drinking grapefruit juice.
You should drink water in larger amounts and with more frequency. Kratom is a very dry, absorbent substance and may tend to constipation, unless fluid intake is increased.
Kratom should not be mixed with other medicinal or recreational substances.
Do not combine kratom with beer, wine, liquor, opioids, pain-relievers, anti-depressants, or any other medicines, without consulting your family doctor.
Do not give kratom to people under 18 years of age.
Do not let pets get into the kratom.
Keep your kratom in a sealed container, an air-tight glass jar, or plastic baggy. Keep it out of direct sunlight and high temperatures.
Respect this plant and like the rest of the universe, it will treat you well.
We are very thankful for such marvelous, beneficial gifts that our planet Earth provides.
I have personal questions about kratom I'd like to ask.
Is there someone I can talk to?
How can I learn more about kratom, and get specific advice?
Directly contact the sponsor of this information website via email:
Martin Bravek
.... or you can go to the Leaf of Life Botanicals website.
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