Types of Kratom

Basic Kinds of Kratom Available

Kratom can be differentiated or categorized according to its vein color, locality of origin, leaf properties, fermentation, and drying process.

Vein Colors

The vein of a kratom plant is the line (chlorophyl path) going from the branch and into and through the leaf.

Basically, in nature there are only 3 types of kratom: red vein, green vein, white vein.

Red vein is often the choice of those suffering from pain, green provides pain relief but with less sedation, white is for energy with mild analgesic properties (relieves pain that's not severe).

Beyond the 3 basic vein colors, there are also colors assigned to different blends, fermenting, or drying.

Yellow is typically a red vein kratom that has been fermented and sun-dried with special technique.

Gold is typically a white vein kratom that has been fermented and sun-dried with special technique.

Chocolate is typically a red vein that has been fermented and sun-dried with special technique.

Purple generally refers to a blend of all 3 vein colors.

Locality of Origin

A batch of kratom can differ in color and effects depending on where it was grown. Kratom can be called Thai, Malay, Indo, Bali, Borneo, Cambodian, or Vietnam, based on the country it's from. 

In addition, certain jungles (wild kratom) or plantations (cultivated kratom) within a country can be famous for good kratom crops, such as Kapuas Hulu and Bentuangie.

Most kratom comes from Indonesia, but many fine varieties are to be found throughout Southeast Asia.

Leaf Properties

A kratom leaf can be allowed to mature to the point of growing little horns on the leaf's sides. This is typically more potent than regular kratom and is designated as Horn kratom. If it's red vein, it will be labeled Red Horn. If it's green vein, it's called Green Horn. If white vein, White Horn.

Elephant refers to kratom leaves that have been allowed to grow to greater maturity, so that the leafs expand to a jumbo, super large size. Elephant kratom can be red, green, or white vein. Elephant tends to be a very potent form of kratom and provides a different alkaloid profile than other forms of kratom.


By fermenting kratom, the alkaloid profile is altered, and the potency can be increased. Fermented red kratom is often called Chocolate and fermented white kratom is typically referred to as Yellow.

Drying Process

Kratom tends to be harvested, then dried out with hot air on conveyor belts.

A way to change the alkaloid profile and increase the potency of kratom, is to dry it more slowly, in a sunlit spot.

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