What are some special techniques and insights from kratom users?
As one uses kratom, certain facts become very clear, and do-it-yourself methods come into play.
You'll pretty quickly come to the conclusion as to your favorite way to consume kratom. You may start with capsules, then try a mixture for a while, eventually arriving at the settled position that toss and wash is not only tolerable, but a great way to get the effects activated quickly.
Drink Lots More WATER -- or get constipated.
Kratom is an extremely dry, absorbing substance that sucks up a lot of the moisture in your body.
You may need to remind yourself to keep drinking more water than usual, to help hydrate your system and avoid constipation.
This also means you will need to urinate more frequently, due to the big increase in your intake of water, juices, and other liquids. So you should be in a situation where running to the bathroom often is allowed or even not noticed.
Removing kratom residue from teeth.
One trick that may help those who use the toss and wash method, is to wash the kratom powder down with grapefruit juice (a potentiator), then chew some green or black olives, and swallow them.
The soft shells of the olive pulp will act almost like a tooth brush, scraping and rubbing away any kratom residue that might be stuck between teeth or on gumlines.
Avoid Potential Dangers, Like Driving a Car
Serious risk is incurred when attempting to use kratom and perform certain tasks.Kratom can be so calming and pain relieving, you can settle into the happiness of escaping whatever aches or problems, that you may be too sluggish and unfocused to do some activities.
It is strongly recommended that you NOT drive a car, care for a baby, operate heavy machinery, cook on a stove or oven, mow the lawn, or engage in any other potentially dangerous activity, participate in a demanding situation, or become involved in a circumstance where you must be sharp minded, alert, and detail-oriented.
Kratom, especially in the first few months of your experimentation as a new user, may render you too groggy or a bit wound-up, to the end that you have entered an unfamiliar mental state, a condition of mind and perception that is best enjoyed in a chair, on a bed, in a space that is safe, when you have no serious obligations other than to relax and quiet for a while.
You may feel a bit woozy, which should lessen as the months go by, when you're taking kratom. Soon, your system gets accustomed to the effects of kratom, and while not diminishing as time goes by, you'll eventually find yourself less dizzy or energized as you, month by month, get the right dose amount and dosing frequency figured out and internally adjust to the newness of kratom.
Use Lowest Dose Possible
The "less is better" philosophy applies here. You should limit your dose amount to the lowest possible, while still providing the effect that you need.
Depending on the person, this will likely fall within the 4 to 12 gram range, once or twice per day. Try to stick to this, not going less because you want to stabilize the effect strength, and not going more because you don't want to train your body to expect a higher amount of kratom all the time, which won't be needed.
Once you figure out the lowest minimum dose amount, using that same amount will continue to provide desired effects, especially if you skip days. The goal is to take enough kratom to maintain the desired effect, as often as needed, while at the same time, not build up a tolerance to kratom.
Using the lowest possible dose will be more affordable, too, since you're using the bare minimum, which means your supply will last longer.
Rotate the Vein Color, Origin, Vendor, etc.
Keep a variety of kratom types in your supply, and keep changing which one you take. This will help you prevent becoming immune to a particular kratom alkaloid profile.
Vary the kratom vein color, where it was grown, vendor you bought it from, leaf characteristics (horn, elephant), form (enhanced, resin, tincture, leaf, powder) and classification (maeng da, plantation).
For example, schedule your kratom usage like this:
Monday - White Bali
Tuesday - Red Borneo Stem and Vein
Wednesday - Yellow Vietnam
Thursday - Super Green Malay
Friday - Chocolate Bentuangie
Saturday - White & Red Blend
Sunday - Green Maeng Da
Store kratom in air-tight containers, out of sunlight.
Be sure to retain the freshness and purity of your kratom. A ziplock plastic bag is good, but sometimes the ziplock is not sealed properly. Kratom can get into the zip track, clog it, and prevent complete closing of the bag.
Keeping kratom in glass jars is a better idea. Use glass jars with air-tight seals, and store your kratom at room temperature, in a cupboard or closet, away from direct sunshine.
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